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ISO 37001 <b> 
Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS)</b> banner
ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System

What is ISO 37001 Certification?

ISO 37001 is defined as Anti-Bribery Management System. The purpose is to establish, implement, maintain and enhance an anti-bribery program that prevents, detects and addresses bribery risks in an organization or institution. 4C team has trained and experienced ISO 37001 consultants who help the organization to implement a customized anti bribery management system in line with regional anti bribery law and organization type and size.

The series of measures for ISO 37001 include: adopting an anti-bribery policy, appointing a person to oversee compliance, anti-bribery and corruption training, risk assessments and due diligence for ISO 37001 on projects and business associates, implementing financial and commercial controls, and instituting reporting and investigation procedures.

Moreover, organizations apply due diligence procedures by following a proportionate and risk-based approach for respective professionals who perform or will perform services for or on behalf of the organization. The purpose is to mitigate and confront identified bribery risks.

ISO 37001 Key Implementation Steps

  • Define the scope of ABMS
  • Form an anti-bribery Compliance Function
  • Conduct bribery risk assessment
  • Draft an anti-bribery policy
  • Draft an anti-bribery objective
  • Training
  • Implement due diligence
  • Implement or adapt financial and non-financial controls
  • Implement procedures on gifts, hospitality, donations and similar benefits
  • Establish a plan for internal and external communication
  • Implement the procedure for raising concerns (Whistle Blower Policy) & investigation procedure
  • Internal Audits & MRM
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ISO 37001 Training

Our team of ISO 37001 Certification Consultants offers a customized training program on ISO 37001

ISO 37001

ISO 37001 Implementation and Documentation Requirements

ISO 37001

ISO 37001 Internal Auditor Training

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Frequently asked questions

Different forms of bribery are as follows.

  • An offer (or promise or actual giving)
  • Soliciting (act of offering)
  • Undue advantage (i.e. something to which the recipient is not entitled by law or customs)
  • Hold any value (i.e. not only money)
  • Directly or indirectly (this includes the use of any kind of intermediary, agent or consultant to
  • transmit the undue advantage)
  • Violation of applicable law, and
  • Refrain to act in the performance of his/ her duties

The red flags in the workplace include unnecessary or inappropriate purchases, questionable invoices, continued acceptance of poorer quality, conflicts of interest, unqualified third parties, incomplete travel and expenses.

The consequences of bribery and corruption are catastrophic that include reduced quality of life, damage to employee morale, increased scrutiny, oversight and regulation, increasing poverty & eroding public trust.